This page gathers reports, slides, and other useful documents related to the SciDoLySE group events.
- Julien Mairal (INRIA Toth) From kernel methods to deep learning
- Lenaig Halos, Sylvaine Riffard, (Boehringer-ingelheim) : Biomathématiques dans l'industrie pharmaceutique vétérinaire chez Boehringer-ingelheim
- Flora Jay (LRI, Orsay) : Neural networks for population genetics: demographic inference and data generation
- Benjamin Charlier, Ghislain Durif (IMAG, Université Montpellier, CNRS) KeOps: Kernel Operations on the GPU, with autodiff, without memory overflows
- GENCI: infrastructures pour le HPC et l'IA, par Jean-Philippe Proux
- Tutoriel (1/2) sur Transport Optimal et Transfer Learning, Filippo Santambrogio (ICJ)
- Tutoriel (2/2) sur Transport Optimal et Transfer Learning, Ievgen Redko (UJM, LabHC)
- Retour GRETSI 2019, Paulo Gonçalves (IXXI)
- Retour IJCAI 2019, Tien Nam Le (LabHC)
- Retour KDD, Anes Bendimerad (LIRIS)
- An Overview of Hardware Accelerators for Deep Learning: from Approximate to Neuromorphic Computing, Alberto Bosio (ECL)
- La gestion des ressources humaines par l'intelligence artificielle / La recherche dans le secteur privé, Clément Viricel (Hair)
Meeting 2
General presentations
Meeting 1: 2019/01/24 - Presentation
Team presentations
Meeting 1: 2019/01/24 - Team Presentations
Tutorial : Signal Processing of Graphs by Benjamin Ricaud
Meeting 1: 2019/01/24 - Tutorial
Creation meeting: 2018/11/08